Apertura uffici Lunedì - Venerdì 9-13, 14-18

IFASA Inerbimento nei Frutteti ENG


Grassing in Orchards to Increase Corporate Sustainability (IFASA)
Cover cropping as a management tool to enhance orchard sustainability

Project Objectives:
The main objective of this project was to evaluate the effectiveness of an innovative inter-row management in pear orchards, analyzing its agronomic, productive, physiological, economic, and environmental impacts. The aim was to develop sustainable practices that reduce the use of fungicides and fertilizers, thus preserving water and soil quality.

Main Results:
Reduced treatments: A significant reduction in the number of treatments against pear brown spot was possibly observed, contributing to the protection of water resources.
Soil improvement: The introduction of legumes in the inter-row increased the organic carbon content in the soil, improving its structure and water retention capacity.
Economic and environmental sustainability: The new agronomic techniques proposed have shown to have a positive impact on both the economy and the environment, as evidenced by the life cycle assessment (LCA).

Activities carried out:
The project included various research, dissemination, and training activities:
Comparison between systems: Pear orchards with traditional inter-row tillage and orchards with legume-based intercropping were compared, in order to reduce the use of fertilizers and protect the soil.
Phytosanitary evaluation: The incidence of brown spot and the presence of pesticide residues in the soil were evaluated in the different management systems.
Soil characterization: Soil properties were analyzed, in particular organic carbon content and gas exchange.
Environmental and economic impact analysis: A life cycle assessment was conducted to evaluate the environmental and economic impact of the different agronomic techniques.
Training and dissemination: Training and dissemination activities were organized to promote the adoption of more sustainable and low-impact agricultural practices.

Letto 23 volte Ultima modifica il Mercoledì, 11 Settembre 2024 17:15

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